Lamborghini Gallardo Brake Electronics (Bosch 8.1)

From Ross-Tech Wiki


Coding is typically performed using Software Version Management (SVM) with an online connection to the manufacture.

If the old Control Module is still accessible, read/copy/save it's Coding to the new Module.

In case this is not possible please contact us directly and we can try to assist you with the Coding Process.

Every inquiry on this topic has to include a full Auto-Scan as well as which parts have been replaced and why, also make sure the Auto-Scan includes the complete VIN of the vehicle in question.

Basic Setting

Sensor for Steering Angle (G85)

[03 - ABS Brakes]

[Fault Codes - 02]
[Done, Go Back]

Start Engine (session still running).

Turn steering wheel at least 30 ° left and back straight ahead.

[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Group 005 Field 1 (Steering Angle Sensor -G85-)
Specification: 0.0 °
Tolerance (when straight): ±5.0 °
[Done, Go Back]

[Security Access - 16]
Enter 40168
[Do It!]

[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 001
[Done, Go Back]

[Fault Codes - 02]
All fault codes should have disappeared.
[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

ESP-Sensor Unit (G419)

[03 - ABS Brakes]

[Security Access - 16]
Enter 40168
[Do It!]

[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 069
Field 2 should show OK after a successful Calibration.
[Done, Go Back]

[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Group 010 Field 1/2 (Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor (G251))
Specification: ±1.25 m/s²
[Done, Go Back]

[Fault Codes - 02]
All fault codes should have disappeared.
[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]